Positive steps for drug after visit to No.10

The group who travelled to London laid yellow roses at the Winston Churchill statueThe group who travelled to London laid yellow roses at the Winston Churchill statue
The group who travelled to London laid yellow roses at the Winston Churchill statue
TWO mums campaigning to have a life-changing drug available on the NHS feel a positive step has been made after a protest in London yesterday.

Gemma Weir and Michelle Frank, from Paulsgrove, delivered a petition to 10 Downing Street calling for treatment drug Orkambi to be free for people with cystic fibrosis.

Gemma said: ‘We took the petition to London with 113,281 signatures and counting and now our petition will be debated in Parliament and out of 4,000 is the 10th petition to be chosen.

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She added: ‘To everyone who signed the petition, the words thank you really are not enough.’

Michelle Frank at yesterday's protestMichelle Frank at yesterday's protest
Michelle Frank at yesterday's protest

Both Gemma and Michelle’s young daughters, Ivy and Emma, have cystic fibrosis which causes a thick mucus to clog up the lungs and digestive system.