LETTER OF THE DAY: Daunting challenges for our NHS

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On behalf of our family we are writing to express our huge thanks to QA Hospital for the faultless care our dear father received over 10 days in Ward F2 before his sad passing.

From paramedics and A&E, to housekeepers, caterers, carers, nurses, sisters, junior doctors, doctors and consultants, it was wonderful, which made his final days as good as it could possibly be for both dad and us.

As a country we need to start championing our health service, be it media, the general public, ministers, politicians, instead of expecting perfect results all the time.

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We’re not perfect ourselves so don’t expect perfection in the NHS, however, they get a lot closer to it than many of us.

The challenges they face are daunting and in many cases insurmountable, the sheer number of patients, health tourists, language barriers, culture differences, drunk and drug influenced patients, violence, different reactions to drugs and different symptoms, it’s endless.

If we continue to undervalue and endlessly highlight the tiny proportion of things that go wrong their morale will continue to drop and, as is already the case, leave their profession.

It’s free and the best in the world.

Bob Ward


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