RICK JACKSON: Look around you... and say thank you to the 1980s

The former prime minister, the late Margaret ThatcherThe former prime minister, the late Margaret Thatcher
The former prime minister, the late Margaret Thatcher
Apart from the Olympics, the best thing on TV for me this month was The 1980s on BBC2, written and presented by historian Dominic Sandbrook.

Like me, he was a child of the 1980s, so they are a decade I always see through rose-tinted glasses. I loved the music, fashions, movies, TV, in fact everything about it.

On the last day of 1989, I was 16 years old. The UK was a very different place from my memories of 1980 – power cuts and travelling by bus. Those from 1989 are of home computers and a new car!

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We had to change. We were a tired old industrial nation, living at the hands of the unions in flabby, top-heavy industries.