Portsmouth CC overcoming ‘perfect storm’ to close in on £20,000 pavilion project fundraiser target

'It's getting exciting' - Portsmouth CC chairman Rick Marston. Picture: Habibur Rahman'It's getting exciting' - Portsmouth CC chairman Rick Marston. Picture: Habibur Rahman
'It's getting exciting' - Portsmouth CC chairman Rick Marston. Picture: Habibur Rahman
Portsmouth CC chairman Rick Marston has praised the club’s local community for getting behind their pavilion redevelopment plans.

The Southsea seafront-based club recently launched an online Crowdfunder with the aim of reaching a £20,000 target by January 3.

With Christmas fast approaching, over 200 people have financially backed a project which will cost over £70,000 in total and make the pavilion one of the best in Hampshire.

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As of lunchtime today, £16,881 had been raised - 84 per cent of the target.

‘We’re getting close, it’s really exciting,’ enthused Marston.

‘We could hardly have picked a worse time to do this.

‘We haven’t been able to hold any fundraising events, and to do it in the run-up to Christmas is a bit suicidal as well!

People have got better things to do with their money at this time of the year, so it’s been a perfect storm really.’

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Despite the pandemic and the festive season, though, Portsmouth appear on course to hit their target.

‘The most positive thing for me has been the way the community has pulled together to support us,’ said Marston.

‘To have got 200 separate individuals is a great volume of people, it’s brilliant.

‘To read the warmth of the feedback has been great as well, because we do see ourselves as a community-based club.

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