Scott Gregory in top shape as European Tour bid intensifies

Scott Gregory is excited about the next step of his bid for European Tour rights. Picture: David DaviesScott Gregory is excited about the next step of his bid for European Tour rights. Picture: David Davies
Scott Gregory is excited about the next step of his bid for European Tour rights. Picture: David Davies
SCOTT GREGORY is confident he still has not peaked this season as he prepares for the biggest challenge of his fledgling professional career at the final stage of the European Tour Qualifying School.

The Corhampton ace finished in a share of fourth spot at the second stage at Desert Springs, in Almeria, in southern Spain, on Monday, posting a total of 12-under par for 72 holes.

Now he has moved on to Lumine Golf & Beach Club, west of Barcelona in the troubled Catalunya region, with caddy Garry Evans to prepare for the six-round shootout which starts on Saturday.

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He said: ‘It was one of those weeks where each day I had something missing but scored well.

‘My best ball-striking day was in round one and the worst was the following day when I shot seven under. I hit it okay and putted amazing.

‘The course was good but very fiddly and to be honest not my cup of tea apart from the greens obviously.

‘My advantage is being a straight driver of the ball, but you only needed to hit driver maybe two or three times – so I lost an advantage there.

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‘I’m looking forward to playing at Lumine where it looks like I can pull more drivers out.

‘It was a good week at Desert Springs, but stressful.

‘It’s one of the toughest weeks mentally I’ve ever played so next week is going to be an amazing challenge but one I can’t wait for.’

There are just 25 places and ties offering an automatic card on next year’s European Tour, which would guarantee him around 18 starts.

It would not get him into any of the majors or some of the biggest events on the schedule, such as the BMW PGA Championship at Wentworth.

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