Fareham MP launches new campaign to bring in rail improvements

SUELLA Fernandes has launched a campaign to improve mobility access at two railway stations.

The Fareham MP is targeting a ramp for train access and better wheelchair access at Portchester station in addition to providing wheelchair access at Swanwick station.

She launched the campaign after being told from Network Rail that there were no plans for improvement.

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In addition to the campaign she has also called for a public meeting to be held in Portchester on Friday, May 31, at 6pm to discuss the rail services in the area.

A new franchise for the South West rail area is due to be decided next year and the MP will have one potential franchisee in First South West to give a presentation.

Ms Fernandes said: ‘The lack of proper access at these stations is a real concern, making it almost impossible for those with mobility difficulties to use the services the rest of us take for granted.

‘It’s a real inconvenience to a significant number of people and it needs to be sorted.’

Those wishing to attend the meeting should email suella@suellafernandes.co.uk to request a place.