Parents call for school crossing warden outside popular school

The lollipop lady outside Red Barn Primary School in Portchester left last month and has not been replaced by Hampshire County CouncilThe lollipop lady outside Red Barn Primary School in Portchester left last month and has not been replaced by Hampshire County Council
The lollipop lady outside Red Barn Primary School in Portchester left last month and has not been replaced by Hampshire County Council
PARENTS have signed a petition for a school crossing warden to be put outside a busy stretch of road.

The lollipop lady outside Red Barn Primary School in Linden Lea in Portchester left last month and she has not been replaced by Hampshire County Council.

Parents are concerned for the safety of their children.

Children from both Red Barn Primary and Northern Infant and Junior Schools used the crossing.

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Now, more than 100 people have signed a petition calling for the return of a school crossing warden.

Parent Kerry Brailey, 43, who is also a dinner lady at Red Barn Primary, has an eight-year-old son at the school.

She said: ‘We had a school crossing patrol for years.

‘The lady left and the council decided that the road wasn’t busy enough to warrant one.

‘I asked the headteacher and she is backing me because it’s such a dangerous road. It’s 20mph but the cars don’t take any notice of it.

‘It’s such a horrendous road.’

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Councillor Roger Price handed over the petition to the council and gave his support to the parents.

He said: ‘It’s a very busy road.

‘We’ve got a number of parents coming along there taking their children to the Northern schools.

‘It’s a very busy road at the times when children are coming to school and going home.

‘The school is trying to encourage parents to walk children rather than bringing them by car.

‘But you get lots of cars around the school. It’s dangerous.’

Hampshire County Council did not provide a comment to The News.