Havant play areas taped off to help curb spread of coronavirus

Councillor Michael WilsonCouncillor Michael Wilson
Councillor Michael Wilson | Other 3rd Party
HAVANT borough play areas have been taped off to help curb the spread of coronavirus.

Open play areas, outdoor gyms and equipment in the borough’s parks and open spaces have been taped off from today (Thursday) to help keep residents safe.

Havant Borough Council has put striped tape across play equipment and outdoor gyms that are not fenced.

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The leader of Havant Borough Council, Councillor Michael Wilson, said: ‘We know our parks and open spaces are a lifeline for many of our residents, but they are only open to provide people with areas to exercise. They are not to be used for hosting picnics, barbecues, gatherings or football matches with friends.

‘Some of our play areas and outdoor gyms are not fenced in, and it has been reported that people are using them. Following guidelines from central government we are now taping them off to prevent their use.’

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