Lalys Pharmacy supports The News Best of Health Awards for sixth year

Staff from sponsor Lalys Pharmacy at last year's awardsStaff from sponsor Lalys Pharmacy at last year's awards
Staff from sponsor Lalys Pharmacy at last year's awards
THEY have shown their support to The News Best of Health Awards for the past five years '“ and this year is no different.

Lalys Pharmacy is once again sponsoring our Hospital Team of the Year category, which recognises medical teams that have shown outstanding care.

The family-run Portsmouth business, which has branches in Kingston Road, Fawcett Road, London Road and Guildhall Walk, sponsors the category as it too is all about teamwork.

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A spokesman said: ‘One of the reasons why we back the awards each year is because it’s such a positive event.

‘The awards are about recognising and praising people and the huge array of categories means all aspects of the health services are covered.

‘We enjoy the vibe and energy of the awards night and all those who are nominated should feel a sense of pride and achievement for doing so.

‘We’ve always enjoyed sponsoring the Hospital Team of the Year category because we like the teamwork ethos.

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‘Teamwork is greatly important to us and that’s why we pick it.

‘These awards are incredibly positive and we are pleased to be on board again.’

He added: ‘We’re a family-based business that serves the community.

‘Since we started there have been many developments and we take on a lot more than just prescribing medicine.

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‘For instance we can offer weight management, alcohol-reduction advice and smoking cessation.

People are also being encouraged to see a pharmacist if they cannot get to a GP.’

Entries to nominate unsung health professionals for the awards have now closed.

Tickets are now available for the awards night on Friday, October 14, at Portsmouth Guildhall.

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Between now and the ceremony, our panel of judges will look through each entry and pick a shortlist for the 12 categories.

Tickets for the awards are £40 which includes a reception drink and two-course meal. Following the ceremony, there will be music and dancing. The evening will be hosted by Mark Collins from Wave 105 and the dress code is black tie.

To buy tickets using a credit card call (023) 9262 2751.

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