Yellow split pea soup | Lawrence Murphy

Yellow split pea soup by Lawrence MurphyYellow split pea soup by Lawrence Murphy
Yellow split pea soup by Lawrence Murphy | Other 3rd Party
Dried pulses, beans and seeds make up a good part of my dry store cupboard as they can be turned into something warm and hearty fairly quickly. Sadly, most are flown in from other countries.

China, America and Russia produce the largest quantities, which are shipped worldwide and that doesn’t help us reduce the food miles.

But there is a British company that grows and sells dried beans and pulses.

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Hodmedods was founded in 2012 when it supplied just fava beans, but has worked closely with farmers to increase its range to include many items such as carlin peas and quinoa.

The range is available from Stansted Park Farm Shop.

Ingredients – serves 2

5 shallots, finely chopped

3 cloves garlic, finely chopped

1 carrot, peeled and chopped

1 stick celery, chopped

1 small leek, chopped

125g yellow split peas

500ml milk

Salt and pepper

Knob of butter

Spoonful of yogurt to serve


1. Heat a large saucepan over a medium heat and the knob of butter.

2. Cook the shallots, garlic and vegetables for 5 mins.

3. Stir in the yellow split peas and milk.

4. Cook at a simmer for 45 mins until the peas soften.

5. Liquidise, taste and season.

6. Pour into bowls and swirl in the yogurt.

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