Reckless M27 BMW driver from Havant cries for '˜mum' in court

A dangerous motorist was remanded in custodyA dangerous motorist was remanded in custody
A dangerous motorist was remanded in custody
A RECKLESS drug-fuelled motorist who caused a massive pile-up after a high speed police chase cried out for his '˜mum' in court as he was remanded in custody.

After reluctantly agreeing to adjourn the case for sentencing at Portsmouth Crown Court, judge William Ashworth shocked a horrified Andrew Brent, 31, telling him: '˜I see no alternative to prison. You are remanded in custody.'

Stunned Brent, of Timsbury Crescent, Havant, stood open mouthed in tortured disbelief as he was led away from the dock to begin his remand behind bars amid emotional scenes in the public gallery from his family.

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The court heard Brent was spotted by police after having no number plates on his BMW while driving along the M27 '“ sparking a high speed chase where drivers lives were put at risk.

A dangerous motorist was remanded in custodyA dangerous motorist was remanded in custody
A dangerous motorist was remanded in custody

But despite attempts by cops to pull Brent over, the driver ignored signals and began pulling off '˜dangerous maneuvers' in and out of traffic.

Prosecutor Daniel Sawyer said: '˜There were signals for him to pull over by police but instead of responding he ended up accelerating away. He pulled off a number of dangerous maneuvers as well as undertaking in and out of lanes causing cars to brake hard to avoid collision.

'˜At one point he pretended he was going to head towards Portsmouth before suddenly pulling off to go down the A27 at the last minute to throw police off his trail.

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'˜The incident ended with him swerving before he ended up crashing into the car in front which then ploughed into the two cars in front '“ leaving one of the drivers with a broken nose. Mr Brent was found to be over the limit for cannabis.'

Judge Ashworth agreed to a request for a pre-sentence report before turning to Brent: '˜I will adjourn the case but I see no alternative to prison. You are remanded in custody.'

Brent pleaded guilty to dangerous driving, driving while disqualified, driving while intoxicated with drugs and having no insurance.  

The case was adjourned until October 5. Â