‘The first step in the long healing process’ – MP Stephen Morgan welcomes Prime Minister’s landmark apology over historic treatment of LGBT+ veterans

Stephen Morgan MPStephen Morgan MP
Stephen Morgan MP
Stephen Morgan MP has welcomed the Prime Minister’s landmark apology for the historical treatment of LGBT+ veterans who were sacked or forced out of the military for being gay.

It follows the publication of the Independent LGBT+ Veterans Review, led by Lord Etherton, which detailed the horrific treatment experienced by LGBT+ personnel when it was illegal to serve as a homosexual.

The treatment included bullying, blackmail, sexual assaults, medical examinations, and conversion therapy.

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The report makes 49 recommendations that include "appropriate financial reward" to be given to affected veterans; the restoration of medals that had to be handed back on dismissal or discharge; the clarification of pension rights; and the presentation of a special veterans' badge.

Rishi Sunak yesterday told the Commons: “The ban on LGBT people serving in our military until the year 2000 was an appalling failure of the British state decades behind the law of this land.

“As today’s report makes clear, in that period many endured the most horrific sexual abuse and violence, homophobic bullying and harassment, all while bravely serving this country.

“Today, on behalf of the British state, I apologise.”

He added: “I hope all those affected will be able to feel proud parts of the veteran community that has done so much to keep our country safe.”

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Mr Morgan is now calling on the Government to accept the recommendations of the report in full and treat them with the urgency they deserve.

In his former role as Shadow Minister for the Armed forces, the Portsmouth South MP heard from those who had medals and honours stripped from them, experienced prejudice and mistreatment, and were left with no income with often profound consequences on their mental health.

As a consequence, he campaigned for restitution for those impacted by the historic ban, successfully introducing a Labour amendment to the Armed Forces Bill which required the Government to conduct an independent review with recommendations for compensation.

Mr Morgan said that the ban had cast a “long shadow” for many, and commended organisations like Fighting with Pride who continue to do compassionate and courageous work to support those affected.

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Mr Morgan said: “LGBT+ Veterans put their lives at risk to protect our country – they were our nation's heroes, yet suffered a serious injustice.

‘The Prime Minister’s apology is long awaited and is the first step in the long healing process to correct this historic wrong.

‘We now need to continue to move further and faster towards justice for those who were prepared to make the ultimate sacrifice for their country, who have already been waiting 23 years too long. Ministers must now deliver.

‘I will continue to work closely with Fighting with Pride to lobby the Government to accept the recommendations in full and ensure fair compensation and support for those impacted in Portsmouth and across the country.’

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Mr Morgan will be working with Fighting with Pride to host an event with those impacted by the historic ban in Portsmouth to consider the report and next steps.

If you were impacted and would like to participate, email stephen.morgan.mp@parliament.uk