Dyson woes solved by Wagamama chopsticks - Lesley Keating

LUXURIOUS: Lesley watched Rocketman swathed in cashmereLUXURIOUS: Lesley watched Rocketman swathed in cashmere
LUXURIOUS: Lesley watched Rocketman swathed in cashmere
I love Dyson vacuum cleaners. I’ve owned quite a few over the years, including a hand-held, telescopic one which is perfect for the car or the stairs. I also have a weird-looking Dyson air purifier fan which saved our lives last summer, and my current upright.

But, despite the fact that Dysons are assembled in seconds with just a few clicks, offering even-the-cat-could-use-it simplicity, they’re blimmin’ difficult to empty.

Does anyone else have trouble or is it just me?

So much for ‘push the red trigger to eject the contents’.

Oh yeah? Well, my contents must be super-stubborn because they just don’t eject at all. They cling resolutely to the inside and completely refuse to leave. 

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No amount of plunging the red trigger, shaking it, swearing, or even having an entertaining nervous breakdown outside by the wheelie bin for all the neighbours to see, makes any damn difference.

However, I now I have a solution.

I have taken to using those wooden chopsticks we get with Wagamama takeaways to scoop around frantically in an attempt to dislodge the ball of fluffy, hairy stuff that is entangled therein.

Today, amid much activity, I finally managed to empty the last bit into the outside bin by banging the container hard on the side, then poking with chopsticks before pulling the last bits out by hand.

And what do you think I got for all my efforts?

Yep. Covered in a snowstorm of grey dusty stuff.  And it all looked so easy on the advert… 

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Its rival, the marvellously-named G-Tech Air Ram, claims to squish all the hoovered-up stuff into neat brickettes you just gaily chuck in the bin, I assume without the aid of Wagamama chopsticks, but who knows.

This sounds promising but I just can’t cope with its name – it sounds like something from a science fiction movie. 

So, the Dyson stays and Wagamama’s sales rocket because I’ve told all my Dyson-owning friends about the magic chopstick trick.