LESLEY KEATING: Let's hope Ant will be able to weather this latest storm

Ant McPartlin leaving a house in west London after he was interviewed by police on suspicion of drink-drivingAnt McPartlin leaving a house in west London after he was interviewed by police on suspicion of drink-driving
Ant McPartlin leaving a house in west London after he was interviewed by police on suspicion of drink-driving
What is going on with Ant McPartlin? After a very public addiction to painkillers and alcohol and subsequent rehab, he was back on track co-presenting I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here in December with best buddy Declan Donnelly.

Since then, the popular, award-winning pair have also been fronting a new series of Saturday Night Takeaway. Yet he’s had another spectacular fall from grace following his drink-drive arrest after a crash in Richmond in which a child was injured.

But, more to the point, what on earth’s going on with his mum? She was a passenger in his car when he’d allegedly been drinking so it appears she enabled her famous son to make an unwise and potentially life-changing choice.

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When I was swigging vodka at teenage house parties, my mum was like a bloodhound, knowing instantly what I’d been doing no matter what I said.

I used to think she was psychic but my slightly flushed face and glazed eyes probably gave it away. Or possibly it was the waft of Smirnoff and lemonade mixed with polo mints and Charlie perfume I left in my wake that did it.

I’m sorry Ant hasn’t been able to control his demons as he must be in a sad place right now, especially given his recent marriage break-up.

I hope he can weather this new storm before anything worse happens.

They say behind every successful man is a strong woman.

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His mum may just have been able to make a difference last week.


Is it just me who thinks Teresa May’s expulsion of Russian diplomats following the Sergei Skripal poisoning a little extreme?

It’s now resulted in British diplomats being kicked out of Russia as an uneasy session of tit-for-tat ensues.

I know she had to make a stand but here we have a weak prime minister playing a very dangerous game with an unpredictable force.

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She’s certainly not the strong and decisive leader we’d hoped. She’s defensive and awkward when taking centre stage. It’s more like she’s arguing at a PTA meeting than addressing the houses of parliament.

Maybe I’m a cynic, but isn’t all this Russian furore also a very convenient way to deflect the attention from a messy Brexit?


Does anyone else have the same problem as me with names? Ask for my name, and the trouble invariably starts.

‘Mrs Skeating?’

‘No, its Keating’

‘Is that spelled KEETING?’

‘No, K E A T I N G!’ (I’ve never, ever seen the name written with a double E anywhere but you’d be surprised how many people ask me this).

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‘Oh, like Ronan?’ comes the response (or, occasionally, ‘Like Roland?’ but let’s not go there!).

‘This is invariably followed by ‘Any relation?’

But that’s nothing. Confusion over my first name is often worse.

During some recent interviews at work one highly-perfumed candidate in a very short skirt and low-cut top was shown in.

She looked me up and down aghast and said: ‘Oh, you’re not a bloke then!’

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