Review: Nativity! The Musical at the Kings Theatre

CCADS members in Palmerston Road, Southsea last month promoting their production of Nativity! The Musical at the Kings Theatre. Picture: Mike Cooter (221022)CCADS members in Palmerston Road, Southsea last month promoting their production of Nativity! The Musical at the Kings Theatre. Picture: Mike Cooter (221022)
CCADS members in Palmerston Road, Southsea last month promoting their production of Nativity! The Musical at the Kings Theatre. Picture: Mike Cooter (221022)
When it comes to Christmas, I’m a self-confessing Grinch, who refuses to get excited until the advent calendar is open. With that in mind, I had mixed feelings about attending a nativity in the first week of November.

This musical is a stage adaptation of the 2009 festive family film Nativity!, which starred Martin Freeman and Marc Wootton.

Director John-Paul McCrohon provides an assured performance as primary school teacher, Paul Maddens, who is tasked with directing the school nativity. Trouble ensues when word gets out, albeit erroneously, that Hollywood film producers are going to attend, including his estranged ex-girlfriend Jennifer (Charlotte Turnbull).

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With the help of eccentric teaching assistant, Mr Poppy (Matt Sackman), the children of St Bernadette’s get working on their nativity. Sackman simply delights in the role. His humour, charisma and cheeky charm are evident from the off; the relationship with his little co-stars is nothing short of magical.

Kerry McCrohon (Mrs Bevan) and Tony Johnson (Gordon Shakespeare) also impressed in their roles, whilst comedic cameos from Aiden Riley and Laurence Coqueral had the audience chuckling. The adult ensemble did a great job, displaying the level of professionalism I’ve come to expect from any CCADS show.

There’s a famous saying in showbusiness – ‘Never work with children or animals’. CCADS clearly ignored this and thank goodness they did.

Despite looking rather confused, Buster the Maltipoo was very cute. As for the children, I’m not quite sure that words are enough. I was welling up during the final nativity scenes towards the end. Their commitment, energy and attack could truly power Santa’s sleigh. I can’t begin to imagine how proud their friends and families must have been, as they saw their little stars shine on stage.

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Opening night was not without its glitches. Microphone issues meant occasional one-liners were missed and the delayed lighting cues were a theme throughout the performance. However, I have no doubt they will be rectified for the remainder of the run.

I went in feeling sceptical, I came out feeling festive. It’s safe to say that CCADS warmed this grinch’s heart. Christmas can’t come soon enough!

Until Saturday.

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