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GCSE results in 2019: How Portsmouth, Gosport, Havant, Fareham and Waterlooville schools performed

With final Progress 8 scores having been published The News has compiled an updated list so you can see how your children’s schools have performed. Schools were previously ranked on raw outcomes and the grades pupils achieved. However, due to the vastly different intakes of students in terms of both academic ability and socio-economic backgrounds it was judged as an unfair comparison.

Progress 8 was brought in to avoid this situation by assessing school performance based on the progress students make between Year 7 and 11 rather than their final outcomes. An Attainment 8 score is calculated by adding up the grade scores achieved by students in their eight main GCSEs. Maths and English grades are counted as double to signify the importance of these subjects. A school’s Attainment 8 score is the average score achieved by pupils. A Progress 8 score is then calculated by comparing the Attainment 8 outcomes of GCSE students across the country who had the same academic starting point based on Year 6 Standard Attainment Test (SAT’s) results. The percentage of students attaining grade 5 and above in maths and English has been maintained as an indicator of performance to reflect the importance of these two core subjects. A grade 5 is the equivalent of a high grade C. Schools appear in no particular order and are listed by area.