Parents back plans to amalgamate Gosport schools

Brockhurst Infant School in GosportBrockhurst Infant School in Gosport
Brockhurst Infant School in Gosport
AN OVERWHELMING majority of parents were in favour of an infant and junior school joining together.

Hampshire County Council is proposing to amalgamate the Brockhurst Infant and Junior Schools, in Gosport, to make a primary school for children aged four to 11.

It comes as the junior school, on Avery Lane, was judged to be inadequate by Ofsted in March last year.

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Consultations were held with parents, teachers, and members of the public and out of 141 responses, only two disagreed with the plan. Both of those were parents with children at the junior school.

In a report produced after the consultations it said parents felt their children had been let down by the junior school while parents of Brockhurst Infant School pupils said they were considering sending their children to alternative junior schools.

Parents praised the leadership of the infant school and the good start it gave to their children. They said the continuity of a primary school could ‘only be a good thing.’

The decision on the future of the schools will be made on Wednesday at the county council offices in Winchester at an executive meeting for education.

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Cllr Peter Edgar, who represents education at the county council, said: ‘Hampshire has a good track record in supporting schools and putting in place measures that will drive up standards.

‘What is most important is that children have the opportunity to be educated near to where they live and with a high quality of teaching.

‘Parents’ views have been taken into account by officers drawing up the final proposal and they will be taken into account by me when I consider the proposal and if it should be given the go ahead.’

If the amalgamation is agreed, a single leadership team and governing body would lead and manage the primary school.

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The junior school would close and the primary school would be an extension of the infant school, also on Avery Lane, which received a rating of ‘good’ from Ofsted in its latest inspection in January 2015.

Although the future of the two sites has not been decided, the junior school buildings could still be used as part of the school.