Call to parents – make sure your little monsters are protected against flu this Halloween

Children from Farlington Day Nursey. Picture by Natasha Jay PhotographyChildren from Farlington Day Nursey. Picture by Natasha Jay Photography
Children from Farlington Day Nursey. Picture by Natasha Jay Photography
Over this half term holiday and Halloween, make sure your little monsters are protected against flu by booking in a quick tickle up the nose.

That’s the headline message in an autumn campaign overseen by the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Integrated Care Board.

Children aged 2 and 3 can get a free nasal spray flu vaccine at their GP practice – just contact your surgery to get booked in.

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Dr Zaid Hirmiz, Horndean GP and clinical director for the Hampshire and Isle of Wight ICB, said: “We know children can pick up and pass on flu when mixing. And although most are pretty resilient, if they do catch flu it can often lead to feeling really unwell.

“A runny nose, coughs, and sneezes, not being able to sleep well – these are just some of the symptoms of flu which are not pleasant for anyone.

“Taking up the offer of a free flu vaccination for your 2 and 3-year-old will help protect them from getting flu. If they do get flu, it can really reduce the symptoms.

“It will also prevent them from spreading it to those around them, including older people who can get quite ill from flu.”

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Children from Farlington Day Nursey lent their support by dressing up for the spooky Halloween flu campaign.

The tots dressed up in creepy costumes to be the stars of the Protect Your Little Monsters advertising and social media campaign.

For most toddlers the flu vaccination will be in the form of two quick squirts of spray up the nose, often described as a ‘little tickle’.

All children from age 2 up to the age of 16 are eligible for a free flu jab, with most of them having it at their school.

Children aged 6 months and over in a clinical risk group are also eligible for both the flu and Covid-19 vaccination.

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