Country parks in Hampshire have opened car parks but warnings still made to keep 'others safe'

The Royal Victoria Country Park in Netley Abbey is on of several Hampshire parks to re-open its car parks. Picture: Sarah Standing (1416-4153)The Royal Victoria Country Park in Netley Abbey is on of several Hampshire parks to re-open its car parks. Picture: Sarah Standing (1416-4153)
The Royal Victoria Country Park in Netley Abbey is on of several Hampshire parks to re-open its car parks. Picture: Sarah Standing (1416-4153) | JPIMedia
VISITORS are being reminded to 'keep themselves and others safe' as country parks across Hampshire reopen their car parks.

All country parks in the county, except for Staunton Farm in Havant and Manor Farm in Botley, have opened car parking as of today (May 13) to allow people to exercise.

The car parks will operate normal opening hours and charges.

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Hampshire County Council’s recreation boss, Councillor Sean Woodward, said: 'New government guidance means that we will be reopening the car parks at Hampshire County Council’s country parks from Wednesday, May 13.'

Toilets are the parks will also be open but cafes, shops, visitor centres and play areas remain closed until further notice.

Hampshire council is advising visitors to remember to stick to the following rules when in public to avoid spreading Covid-19: wash your hands often using soap and water, and dry them thoroughly, use a tissue when coughing and avoid touching your face

Cllr Woodward added: ‘I would ask all visitors to keep themselves and others safe when they visit any of Hampshire country parks. Please leave a car’s width when parking and be courteous by checking and allowing others nearby to move away before you step out of your vehicle.

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‘This includes when arriving and leaving, and also paying for your parking. As you walk, cycle or run, continue to keep two metres apart from those who are not in your household and use the paths and spaces responsibly so that visitors and staff are not put at risk.’

‘This positive step forward is dependent on all of us continuing to socially distance and following the Government’s wider guidelines. That way, we stand a quicker and greater chance to recover the much-valued parts of our daily lives such as enjoying Hampshire’s beautiful scenery and outdoor spaces.’

Calshot Activities Centre will also be opening for parking, and depending on a decision by Associated British Ports, the slipway could be made available for recreational boating.

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