Scrummy stew for self-isolators | Lawrence Murphy

Tomato beef stew.Tomato beef stew.
Tomato beef stew. | Other 3rd Party
I’d like to say a big ‘thank-you’ to all the volunteers, not only for the NHS, but also the local delivery services, to all those self-isolating.It’s fantastic to see that delivery workers, farmers, and nurses are so well thought of.

I’ve been delivering prescriptions in our area and trying to do a bit of fitness every day – with the help of Joe Wicks.

I’ve also been cooking, reading old cook books, and thinking about what’s in our cupboards to give you something to try each week. Here is an easy beef stew recipe that uses cardamom as a big flavour, but you could use chopped rosemary, black olives, cinnamon or even chilli.

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If you want to add bulk then a tin of white beans or chickpeas can be added half way through.

Ingredients – serves 4

700g stewing beef, cut into cubes

2 onions, chopped

5 cloves garlic, chopped

1 tin chopped tomatoes

Tspn tomato paste

1 bay leaf

16 cardamom pods (split each one and use the seeds inside)

250 ml water

Salt and pepper


1. Heat a large casserole dish and add a splash of olive oil.

2. Add the onions and garlic and cook for 2 mins.

3. Mix in the tomato paste and cook for 1 min.

4. Now add the tomatoes, water, bay leaf and cardamon.

5. Bring to the boil and add the beef. Put a lid on it and put into a pre-heated oven 150C, gas 3 for 4 hrs. The wonderful aroma will fill the kitchen.

6. Check the beef is tender, season, and serve with cous cous, rice or potatoes.

A message from the Editor

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