Large group of youths go on vandalism rampage destroying multiple cars in two areas

A drink-drive crackdown starts todayA drink-drive crackdown starts today
A drink-drive crackdown starts today
A LARGE group of vandals went on a rampage damaging multiple cars and causing havoc.

Police received six reports of vandalism from residents living in Drayton and Farlington on Friday night, into the early hours of the morning on Saturday – but there could be more.

One resident saw the aftermath of the mindless destruction, stating there was a trail of damage from Farlington Avenue by the playing fields, along Sea View Road, up Augustine Road and along Down End. Police received reports of damage in Havant Road and First Avenue also.

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One resident living in the area said: ‘Multiple cars had their wing mirrors smashed or ripped off completely by a group of between 10-15 youths who were seen running through the streets.

‘In total I counted about 15 vehicles which had been damaged. I went outside at 12.30am and there were bits of wing mirrors everywhere.

‘About three cars had been damaged in Down End and at least 10 to 12 in Sea View Road. I’m really shocked.

Police said the incidents reported to them are as follows: wing mirror damage to a Mazda and Volkswagen Polo on Sea View Road, a Ford Fiesta on Havant Road and a Ford Focus on Farlington Avenue. They also received two reports a group of young males were kicking cars on First Avenue at 8.30pm, to which officers attended, and that a group of people were attempting to cause damage to a number of cars on Sea View Road at 11.30pm.