Mum Guilt is real | Cheryl Gibbs

Cheryl Gibbs' gorgeous daughter, Harley.Cheryl Gibbs' gorgeous daughter, Harley.
Cheryl Gibbs' gorgeous daughter, Harley. | Other 3rd Party
Since when did going to the Co-op or doing a tip run become a day out?

Well, since lockdown prevented us all from leaving the house, and since we had a baby.

I kid you not – I’m writing this week’s column from our beaten up Ford Focus.

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My mum kindly gave us her old car, and we are very grateful, but it really is very old and run down, bless it.

I’m sitting in the queue of the Waterlooville waste and recycling centre.

I have my laptop balanced on my knee, wedged in between the wheel and a load of rubbish I’m about to tip.

Don’t worry, I’m not breaking any laws, the engine is off and I’m in a queue for the tip which doesn’t open for another 45 minutes so I have taken the rare opportunity to write my column in peace.

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Matt did the tip run yesterday and I was given the task of doing it today. I’m sad to say this but I jumped at the chance.

I absolutely love being a mum, it’s the best thing I’ve ever done and it’s the most amazing gift in the world.

But, trust me, the days get a bit repetitive and it’s just so nice to break up the sleep, feed, wind, play, repeat, routine.

So when Matt said we needed to make another trip to the tip, I bit his hand off to do it. God, I sound pathetic.

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A once begrudging, ‘okay, I’ll do it if I have too’ scenario has now become a day out and, I’m embarrassed to say, I’m quite enjoying it.

It’s quiet, the sun’s out, Matt’s looking after Harley, and she’s in a good mood today so I’m not worried.

Mum-guilt is a real thing and I genuinely feel bad whenever I leave her, even to do something as mundane as this.

But I’m taking this rare opportunity to just be me and just to be still.

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Lockdown has definitely been hard. Although the government has eased the restrictions a bit and we’ve enjoyed the odd couple of hours out, we’re very aware that there’s still a virus out there and it’s still taking lives.

We’re not going overboard and being too complacent in our daily activities.

So, for today, a visit to the tip is my lot.

Although I may treat myself to a trip to the village Co-op later. Oh, how exciting!

I hope that by sharing my IVF struggle it will help others

I cannot believe that I’ve been writing my column for 12 years! I started after presenting on radio station 107.4 The Quay.

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Since then I’ve had a couple of other features written about me – at the Oscars in 2012, and then when we got married.

And for The News’ Family Life feature next Tuesday I’ve written about our struggles to have a baby, what it was really like going through IVF, and the realities of coping with a newborn in lockdown.

Struggling to conceive is a very personal and painful experience, but I hope that by sharing our story and being brutally honest, it might make others think about what they say to other childless couples. If it helps one person then I’ve done my job.

Mum could be in the firing line if I don’t shift the pounds

As I have previously revealed, my mum has started a slimming WhatsApp group for a few of us in the family who need to lose weight.

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She’s taken the role extremely seriously and likes to send us all what she obviously thinks are encouraging voice notes ‘mentoring’ us on our eating behaviours and what we should be doing to shed the pounds.

Unfortunately last week I put on two of them. I don’t know how or why and I’m starting to question my mother’s role in the matter. I should probably point out that I was the only one who put on, but that’s beside the point. If I’ve not lost weight this week, she may be demoted.

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