There are only so many weeds a girl can pick | BBC Radio Solent's Lou Hannan

Jilly Cooper can be spotted on Lou's coffee table...Jilly Cooper can be spotted on Lou's coffee table...
Jilly Cooper can be spotted on Lou's coffee table... | JPIMedia Resell
As we go into another week of lockdown, how are you managing to keep yourself entertained?

I have to say, the novelty of having more time at home has started to wear off a little bit. I came to this conclusion as I found myself at the end of hour four picking the weeds out between the slabs on the driveway.

Yes, it looks neater but my goodness me, what a dull job that was.

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Over the past few weeks, I’ve painted a bedroom, painted the shed, painted the decking and got half-way through painting the back gate, until I ran out of paint.

Given the three-hour wait simply to view a well-known DIY store’s website, my guess is that I’m not alone finally getting around to those jobs you always put off.

Entertainment-wise, I’ve been really impressed with how performers

are using technology to do their bit to keep us amused and also raise valuable funds.

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We’ve seen Gary Barlow duetting with seemingly every music star on the planet, Katherine Jenkins doing Facebook Live gigs from her living room, and if you haven’t yet seen Matt Lucas’s re-working of the Baked Potato Song from the TV show Shooting Stars, you must have a look.

On a larger scale theLady Gaga-inspired One World: Together at Home saw the likes of Michael Buble and even The Rolling Stones do their bit. Okay, some of the quality of it was a bit, shall we say, questionable (Elton John’s ‘I’m Still Standing’ got some heat on Twitter) but it still goes to show what can be achieved in a short space of time when people put their minds to it.

What I find most fascinating about all of these at-home gigs though, is glancing behind whatever star is appearing to look at the backdrop of their home.

I find myself watching the news and when someone appears on a Skype screen, I zone out of what they’re saying as I look behind their shoulder to judge their wallpaper, lampshades and curtains.

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The thing that fascinates me is just how many books people seem to have – shelves upon shelves of high-brow, hard-backed ones.

I’ve realised now why I shy away from Skype calls – I don’t want people judging me on the Jilly Cooper novels on the coffee table!