We're enjoying nights out in Southsea while we still can | Cheryl Gibbs

Cheryl Gibbs, second right,  with the Little Comets at the Wedgewood RoomsCheryl Gibbs, second right,  with the Little Comets at the Wedgewood Rooms
Cheryl Gibbs, second right, with the Little Comets at the Wedgewood Rooms | Other 3rd Party
I’m just more than halfway through my pregnancy now and thankfully it’s starting to show. I say ‘thankfully’ because if one more person looks at me with an awkward sideways glance, mulling over in their head whether I’ve just put on a few pounds, I’m going to scream.

At least a bulging belly tells everyone in advance what they need to know.

Even this week two people at work stopped and asked if I was pregnant, saying they had no idea and I go in every week.

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I’ve started wearing maternity clothing which actually accentuates the belly not hides it, so I think it is helping – at least I won’t get strange sideways glances now.

From the people who do know I’m with child, I’m getting a lot of sympathetic questions my way.

I’m constantly being asked, ‘How are you feeling?’ ‘Are you struggling with the sickness, Cheryl?’ ‘Bet you’re tired all the time. Am I right?’

The answer is no to all the above and in some ways I’m finding it rather unsettling – should I be feeling all these things?

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To be honest, life is continuing as we know it and apart from Matt not letting me do things around the house and garden – which is very cute, but frustrating – it’s business as usual.

I even went to the Wedgewood Rooms in Albert Road this week to watch the Little Comets play – I was rather proud of myself.

Admittedly my attire wasn’t quite in keeping with everyone else at the venue.

I was wearing a nice smart jacket with a dress and brown boots – a far cry from the hoodies and converse that seemed to be the uniform of everyone else there, but come on, I didn’t get the memo, did I?

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In fact I don’t think I’ve been to the Wedgewood Rooms since my university days, so I felt very proud to go there with a big pregnant belly.

We went with Matt’s brother Luke and his fiancé Vic, and some of their friends.

Once the excellent gig had finished we managed to get in a sneaky pic with a couple of the band members.

And Matt and Luke bought half the merchandise on offer.

An excellent night out…I need to get them in while I still can.

Here’s hoping we have better luck next Halloween

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I was gutted we didn’t get a single trick or treater, even though we actually carved a pumpkin.

Not because not one person knocked on our door which meant I made my way through the four bags of sweets and chocolate that I bought in preparation for the influx of children.

My sister Jo took pity on us and brought Hollie and Lewie, our niece and nephew, round so we could see their outfits. They didn’t have a problem helping to empty the bags of sweets into their cauldrons.

But I was a little gutted no one else got to see our beautifully carved pumpkin. Admittedly it was an anaemic one as there were no orange ones left – perhaps that’s what put everyone off?

Don’t wish your life away – being young is so much more fun

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It’s my party and I’ll cry if I want to… Admittedly, I’d rather not, but as it’s my birthday today I can do whatever I like, right?

Wrong. Apparently as I’m 37 today I can’t pull that card any more.

How on earth did that happen? Three years until I’m 40 and it’s Matt’s big 4-0 next April. It’s funny how when you get older you want time to slow but when you’re young, you can’t wait to grow up.

If I had my time again, I’d never have left home at 22 to face all those responsibilities.

Instead I’d stay with mum, paying little rent and doing exactly as I please.

Words of wisdom to the youth of today. So, here’s to me…one year older…and wiser? Perhaps not…

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