Row over ex-Ukip Portsmouth candidate sharing image showing Europe under Nazi swastika

Paul Sweeney in 2018 when he was a candidate for Ukip at the Portsmouth City Council electionsPaul Sweeney in 2018 when he was a candidate for Ukip at the Portsmouth City Council elections
Paul Sweeney in 2018 when he was a candidate for Ukip at the Portsmouth City Council elections
A ROW has broken out over the sharing of an image depicting Europe as Nazi.

Taxi driver Paul Sweeney shared an image of a swastika overlaid on a map of mainland Europe with arrows labelled as Liberals, Tories, Labour and Green pointing toward Britain.

In an image reminiscent of the Dad's Army TV show a purple arrow with the Ukip logo on it points out from England.

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The image was shared on April 8 but Labour in Portsmouth have criticised the Conservatives in the city after ex-Ukip council candidate Mr Sweeny joined the Tories.

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An image on Twitter shows him with Portsmouth City Council Tory group leader Councillor Donna Jones.

Portsmouth Labour chairwoman Amanda Martin said: ‘I respect people who criticise the EU using logic but comparing them to the Nazis is greatly offensive to the many Portsmouth veterans who fought fascism and is an insult to the 17m people murdered by the Nazis.’

Former Ukip council candidate Paul Sweeney told The News: ‘I just shared it not really looking at it to be honest.

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