Quick-thinking woman helps save the life of stranger

Rebecca Feek helped stop a man who was trying to take his own life Picture: Sarah Standing (160804-1671)Rebecca Feek helped stop a man who was trying to take his own life Picture: Sarah Standing (160804-1671)
Rebecca Feek helped stop a man who was trying to take his own life Picture: Sarah Standing (160804-1671)
A QUICK-thinking cyclist helped a man attempting to take his own life.

Rebecca Feek was on her daily commute from Fareham to Portsmouth when she came across a man attempting suicide near the IBM site at North Harbour.

The man was seen hanging in Southampton Road.

Rebecca sprang into action to help.

The 46-year-old, who lives in Fareham, said: ‘When I came through the underpass I was faced with an emergency situation of man attempting to hang himself.

‘I dropped my bike and ran over to him.

‘I held his body up as best I could.

‘Thankfully another cyclist passed by.

‘I shouted to phone the police and get some help.’

Rebecca said it was an ‘extremely difficult situation’.

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She said the female cyclist returned about a minute later with two workmen.

They worked together to save the man’s life before police and paramedics arrived. The incident happened at about 10.30am on a Wednesday morning last week.

The man was taken away by ambulance to hospital.

Rebecca added: ‘It was a chain reaction of fast-acting teamwork that saved his life.

‘It was very stressful, yet lucky that I was cycling past at that exact moment.’

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Rebecca said she wanted to raise awareness of the Samaritans.

The local branch is at 296 North End, Portsmouth.

It is normally open between 9am and 10pm to receive callers at the door.

The local number is (023) 9269 1313. The national helpline is 116 123.

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