Revealed: how fleas affect the health and homes of pet owners

A huge majority of British pet owners have been affected by flea outbreaks, with 82% struggling to keep fleas under control and more than three quarters of homes having been infested by fleas in the past.

The survey by MSD Animal Health questioned 2,000 British pet owners about the ways in which flea infestations have impacted them and their animals, with an incredible 100% of respondents stating that their furry friends have had fleas at least once.

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Almost three quarters (73%) of those surveyed said they underestimated just how much of a problem fleas could be before they decided to get a pet, whilst 13% said fleas would actually put them off getting another pet in future.

Health impact of fleas on pet owners

The survey found:

30% of those surveyed said they had been bitten by fleas5% explained they had been left permanently scarred by flea bites.76% admitted that their homes had become infested by fleas, with eggs spreading to sofas, bedding and carpets.23% of those questioned explained that their carpets have had to be replaced or cleaned due to problems with fleas

Fleas have not only caused a physical impact on the pet owners surveyed, but stress has also proven to be a major factor for those dealing with their pets' fleas.

58% of those questioned said they felt stressed during flea outbreaks17% said they felt self-conscious about fleas

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The survey by MSD questioned 2,000 British pet owners about the ways in which flea infestations have impacted them and their animals (Photo: MSD)

The Big Flea Project

Despite the havoc that fleas can cause, 57% of those surveyed admitted they were not aware about the life cycle of a flea before their pet caught them. This is the main reason why fleas can continue to thrive uncontrollably.