TV cameras to be allowed in high profile court cases in England and Wales

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Professional digital video camera. accessories for 4k video cameras. tv camera in a concert hall

TV cameras may one day be allowed to film in Crown Courts in England and Wales.

Currently, filming is not permitted, with the concern being that televising trials could deter victims, witnesses and jurors from taking part.

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But draft legislation for filming is being laid down in Parliament, and the Crown Court (Recording and Broadcasting) Order 2020 would allow High Court and Senior Circuit judges to be recorded as they hand out their punishment in criminal cases.

Sentencing remarks, in which judges explain the reasons behind the penalties, at the Old Bailey, the Central Criminal Court of England and Wales, will also be recorded.

The legislation will be considered by MPs and peers in a process which should take about three months. It means the public could see the first broadcasts in the late spring or early summer.

The campaign to allow cameras in Crown Courts was led by broadcasters ITN, Sky and the BBC, who have all welcomed the news that the legislation has progressed.

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Will we get to see the whole trial?

No, only the sentencing remarks in serious and high-profile criminal cases would be filmed. Victims, witnesses, jurors and court staff would not be filmed.

As well as that, filming would be live but with a short time delay to avoid breaking any reporting restrictions.

But opponents to the move have concerns for the judges who will be televised, with warnings that the public and media should refrain from attacking them over their sentencing decisions.

Under the new rules, only sentencing remarks will be filmed, meaning the public will not have any context of the trial or all the different factors that led a judge to their ultimate decision.