Gary Roberts: From The Dressing Room

Robbie Blake. Picture: Joe PeplerRobbie Blake. Picture: Joe Pepler
Robbie Blake. Picture: Joe Pepler
Gary Roberts gives his insight into the latest events at Fratton Park, written before Saturday's game with Notts County

Golf fans know all about the Battle of Brookline.

But that had nothing on the War of Whiteley as we staged our own mini Ryder Cup this week.

Unfortunately, there wasn’t anything like the Miracle of Medinah to report as the coaching staff took a hollow victory over the players.

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Carl Baker. Picture: Joe PeplerCarl Baker. Picture: Joe Pepler
Carl Baker. Picture: Joe Pepler

It was more like the Sham at Skylark when it went to a play-off, after it finished 8-8 in the singles matches at the golf and country club in Whiteley.

It was nail-biting stuff as Carl Baker, inset, was our pick to go up against Robbie Blake on the deciding hole.

The only problem was no-one could see a thing as the pair played it out over the final par three.

So it was a hollow victory as Blakey parred the hole in the dark to take the win.

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In fact, I’ll rephrase that. I refuse to see that as victory in those conditions at all. What a joke. It was a draw.

The competition started after we’d earlier played the front nine and then picked names out of the hat.

There were match-ups like Enda Stevens v Leam Richardson, Blakey v Noel Hunt, Doyler v Ian Foster and Gaz Evans v Kev McCormack – with Gaz smashing big Kev to pieces.

I was paired up with the Gaffer.

Now, let’s make no bones about this, I am a better golfer than the Gaffer. I. Am. Better. Than. Him.

But, I had to admit it, he smashed me to pieces.

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He battered me. There’s no getting away from it. There was psychological warfare going on and he had me on toast.

I’ve beaten him before when we’ve played. There’s no doubt who’s got the talent.

This time he had me, though. And he got into my head as well.

He kept trying to give me tips. He knew what he was up to, I lost my head after two holes and couldn’t get near him.

He beat me 8&7. We were finished by the 12th hole!

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