Hundreds of drivers fined in Hampshire for breaching child seat laws

Picture posed by a model. Credit: Gareth Fuller/PA WirePicture posed by a model. Credit: Gareth Fuller/PA Wire
Picture posed by a model. Credit: Gareth Fuller/PA Wire
More than 800 drivers in Hampshire have been fined for breaking laws on child car seats over the last 10 years, new figures show.

A Freedom of Information request from the BBC found about 40,000 people in the UK have been caught since the law was changed in 2006, including 830 in our county.

The figures come as new laws for child car booster cushions come into force.

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The legislation bans manufacturers from making new models of booster cushions for children shorter than 125cm tall or weighing less than 22kg.

It was introduced to ban the use of car booster seats without a back rest.

The law states that children must normally use a child car seat until they are 12 years old or 135 cm tall, whichever comes first.

Height-based seats, known as ‘i-Size’ seats - must be rear-facing until your child is more than 15 months old.

Click here to see more of the legislation on child car seats.