Portsmouth fraudster must pay back thousands from loan

Sophie HendersonSophie Henderson
Sophie Henderson
CHEAT Sophie Henderson has been ordered to pay back thousands of pounds.

The 27-year-old had lied to a loans company, meaning she was offered and accepted a £5,186 loan.

Portsmouth Crown Court heard she failed to tell Oakbrook Loans about her employment and that she had a county court judgment against her.

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Jonathan Underhill, prosecuting, told how a second fraud related to a mobile phone.

He said Henderson told Vodaphone the phone had been lost, but she actually sold the phone to Cash Converters and it was bought by another woman. The woman lost cash when it was returned.

Recorder James Watson QC handed Henderson a community order for 12 months with 150 hours’ unpaid work.

He said she must pay £2,500 compensation to the loan firm and £200 to the woman who lost cash when the phone was returned to Cash Converters.

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Henderson, of Shaftesbury Road, Southsea, works in customer services for a car finance firm.

Barry McElduff, for Henderson, said she was remorseful and had pleaded guilty.

He added she felt shame about what she had done.

Henderson had no previous convictions, the court heard.

She pleaded guilty to two counts of fraud at an earlier hearing.