CHERYL GIBBS: I was really blown away by the beauty of Stokes Bay

Sailing at Stokes BaySailing at Stokes Bay
Sailing at Stokes Bay
I've had a funny old week '“ it's been manically busy, as I've travelled all over the place filming for the BBC.

I’ve lived in the Portsmouth area for many years, yet I could probably count on the fingers of one hand how many times I’ve been to Gosport and Lee-on-the-Solent during my lifetime.

This week I’ve doubled that number by going a fair few times to film a story about a family from Portsmouth whose boat capsized in the Solent.

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They were rescued by a couple who were also sailing that day and who helped them on board their boat until the Gosport and Fareham Inshore Rescue Service (or GAFIRS, as they’re known) came to help them all.

It was a brilliant story and the footage, which was shot by a GAFIRS crew member wearing a headcam ,was excellent and documented what happened during the rescue.

I was blown away by Stokes Bay and the shoreline there.

It was beautiful and it felt like I had found this unknown gem that no-one else knew about.

Clearly I’m the one who’s been in the dark this whole time!

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We were filming a scene outside the café by the Stokes Bay Sailing Club and I actually said to one of my colleagues a phrase that my mum used to say almost every time we visited somewhere that was beautiful in this country.

‘You could be anywhere in the world right now.’

You really could have been. The sun was out, the sky was blue, the boats were bobbing around in the Solent and there was just this calm about the place – blooming lovely and I highly recommend it.

The week culminated with a visit to my father-in-law Danny, who celebrated his 59th birthday.

Obviously it was lovely to have some bubbles and a slice of cake to celebrate his ripe old age (sorry Danny).

But what was rather bizarre was how the party ended.

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It was with a conga around their small garden, led by my five-year-old niece Phoebe and her friends, who visited to share in the celebrations. Danny, don’t you ever say my lot are the crazy ones!


Ah, how the drama continues…

I’m referring to the relationship between Jeremy McConnell and Stephanie Davis.

The pair have a baby son together and only recently reconciled after a very public feud when their romance came to a bitter end after their stint on Celebrity Big Brother.

Now Stephanie has apparently been in hospital with a stress-related illness after Jeremy appeared in court to deny assaulting the actress, but admit damaging property in her home.

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It’s all very messy, but the couple have now reportedly split (again) and un-followed each other on social media.

I just feel bad for their son, who will no doubt be a pawn in all this. I really hope they can be amicable for his sake.


If you fancy a visit to the cinema this week, then I recommend going to see Jamie Foxx’s new movie Sleepless.

It’s not an incredible movie and I need to stress that from the beginning.

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It’s an easy-watching, all-action, high octane film about the lines being blurred between who’s a good cop and who’s a bad one.

It centres on one night in Las Vegas as Jamie’s character attempts to get his son back after he’s kidnapped by a drugs gang.

The film had little to no pre-promotion and was actually released in the US in January, a notoriously bad month for cinema releases.

But I rather liked it.

It’s a perfect weekend watch where you don’t have to overthink.

My kind of flick!