Think of the person on the receiving end before pressing 'send' | Rick Jackson

TROLLS: It's not just teenagers who are the victims of online abuse. Picture: ShutterstockTROLLS: It's not just teenagers who are the victims of online abuse. Picture: Shutterstock
TROLLS: It's not just teenagers who are the victims of online abuse. Picture: Shutterstock
I always think to myself, would I say this to their face? If the answer is no, then I don’t put it out on social media or in a text.

Football has had to make a stand. Players being subjected to nasty, often racist comments from so-called fans.

But it goes much deeper than football.

Cowards who hide behind their keyboards. Weak people who feel it’s the only way to get noticed.

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Perhaps, since the third lockdown, many have had enough and maybe their frustrations are boiling over and their sensitivities lowered.

So far this year, I have been labelled racist, sexist, xenophobic and a bully. Anyone who knows me knows I am none of the above.

Sadly, my skin isn’t that thick. I’m glad I’m not a famous celebrity because I don’t think I could take constant abuse like this.

I’ve even had to resort to asking people on my breakfast show to think of the human being at the other end of the message they are sending.

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I take this stuff home, it hurts. To be labelled racist, sexist or a bully is one thing, but to then report me to the broadcasting watchdog is another. Complaints dropped, by the way.

My latest ‘complaint’ came from a woman calling me a bully and a racist for doing an impression of the Southampton manager Ralph Hasenhüttl.

There will be a lot of comedians who will never work again if all of a sudden doing an impression of someone is deemed racist or bullying.

The joke is that when interviewed, it seems the microphone is positioned at the other side of the room. There’s a big echo and you can’t understand him.

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I mimic this with the aid of a spare microphone turned up to maximum and you get the desired effect. It also helps that ‘no’ in German is ‘nein’ Ralph’s favourite number.

My Worst Joke Wednesday feature on the show always seems to upset someone and banter between three friends who happen to work together is seen as bullying if we happen to take the ‘mickey’.

Please think of the human on the other end. Be kind.

Line of Duty - another series? Then we’ll be sucking diesel…

I, like many, was rather disappointed with the finale of series six of the BBC1 drama Line of Duty.

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‘H’ didn’t turn out to be the heavyweight character we’d hoped for or expected. There are many questions still to be answered so, even though I felt the finale was a damp squib, I’m sure it means a series seven will be announced soon.

For there are still lots of bent coppers to AC-12 to nick. Carmichael needs to be put in her place and Osborne must be taken down a peg or two.

Plus, I’ve not heard anywhere near enough of Superintendent Ted Hastings’s catchphrases. More ‘mother of god’ and ‘the letter of the law, the letter’, please!

I really do mind the gap now my daughter’s losing her teeth

Here’s a strange one. My son Freddie lost his first tooth last July. He is seven at the end of this month and he’s lost no more.

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In fact, the gap hasn’t been filled by an adult tooth yet. Surely he should have a much bigger gap with some new larger gnashers appearing? None is wobbly either.

Maybe they will start falling out rapidly, meaning a busy and expensive time for the tooth fairy. I was gutted when my five-year-old daughter Holly announced her first wobbly tooth at the weekend.

I’m not ready for her to lose teeth and have gaps yet. She’s too young and pretty to have a gap. I want to enjoy that cute face a little longer. They grow up so fast.

A message from editor Mark Waldron.

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