I'm a big softie who likesto keep family traditions

Cheryl loves continuing family traditionsCheryl loves continuing family traditions
Cheryl loves continuing family traditions
I don't know what my parents did differently with me than my other two sisters, but I'm by far the biggest softie of all of us.

I’m the one who tries and usually fails to put things right, causing havoc in the process, but my intentions are always right.

I’m the one who, for the past 34 years, has wanted every family tradition from my childhood to stay the same even though I’m now a fully-grown adult.

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A perfect example is the saga that always happens when we go and buy our Christmas tree.

Me and my dad used to row because the Christmas tree, in my opinion, was never big enough.

I used to feel this way even though he would almost always have to chop the top off!

When my husband Matt and I moved in together many, many years ago and went to get our own crimbo tree, we would usually have some sort of argument.

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This was because his idea of what constituted a lovely Christmas tree and mine were always very different.

This year, however, it was all very harmonious. There was no arguing and it was all very normal. Quite unsettling.

We went and got our Christmas tree in Catherington, where the travelling fair community have been for years.

In fact I remember going there with my parents when we used to live in Horndean during my childhood.

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I also remember having rows about what Christmas trees we ended up buying at the very same site.

This time Matt and I both spotted the same tree instantly and, without any deliberation, snapped it up.

Quite a contrast to last year, when we visited five different places before we settled on a tree we both liked.

Once we’d got it home, we then spent Sunday evening decorating it and the rest of our home.

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We listened (as always) to Christmas music on a loop until almost every inch of our house was covered in lights.

Nobody had a tantrum and we didn’t argue about a thing.

It was all rather normal, dare I say mature.

Perhaps I’m growing up. I shudder at the thought...


Myself, my mum and half of the Horndean and Clanfield community attended the carol service in Horndean on Tuesday evening.

I didn’t even know it was happening until the guys who run the very popular Oh-So’s café in Horndean told me about it that morning during my regular cappuccino run.

It was such a great evening and I thoroughly enjoyed singing my little heart out – and so did my mum, who was the only person I could convince to come with me.

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