School reunions are filled with laughs and memories: OPINIONS

Cheryl Gibbs' had a school reunion.Cheryl Gibbs' had a school reunion.
Cheryl Gibbs' had a school reunion.
The great thing about Facebook or any form of social media is that you can stay in touch with friends and family that you haven’t seen for ages or would have otherwise lost touch with.

I love how I can see what people I went to school with are up to and whilst I’m not someone who posts that much, I genuinely love to know what old friends are doing and learning all about their life update.

I also got loads of nice comments when we recently announced our news that we are expecting our first baby.

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People I hadn’t heard from for ages from my Cowplain School days messaged their congratulations and whilst they may not be in my daily life, its nice to know that people wish you well.

Last Saturday a couple of my school pals Helen Ruth and Lorraine Blackburn organised our 20-year school reunion and I unfortunately couldn’t make it because Matt and I were invited to a wedding of a close family friend so I didn’t attend. 

But I was delighted to hear that so many people turned up and looking at the group photo that they sent me, I was thrilled that after all these years I recognised so many of them.

What a great bunch of guys and gals and I hear some of our teachers turned up – how lovely is that? 

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It takes a lot to organise an event like that and I hear that Helen and Lorraine did a wonderful job.

I’ve stayed in touch with Lorraine over the years – she helps run the charity Ickle Pickles which helps premature babies after she tragically lost her son Owen 10 years ago.

I was delighted to learn that during the evening they raised over £200 which will go towards Ickle Pickles and Roadpeace charity which is in memory of our school friend Joel who sadly passed away after being involved in a road collision after we left school.

I was also humbled to hear that Joel’s mum and sister attended the reunion in his absence – what a lovely gesture.

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Well done to Helen and Lorraine and perhaps I’ll be able to make the next one – what will that be?

Our 30th?!

Good gracious, we are getting old!

My baby bump has simply popped out of nowhere… 

People ask me all the time how I feel now I’m pregnant, and other than being totally thrilled that we finally got there after two-and-a-half years of trying, I don't feel different really.

The only thing that’s been a little difficult I guess is my body is changing. I’m 19 weeks pregnant tomorrow and am in that in between stage where I just look a bit, well, tubby.

We went to this beautiful wedding on the weekend and I tried my best to scrub up well but looking back at the photos I just look a bit tubby. One week on and my belly has just popped out of nowhere so hopefully now people will know that I’m with child and that I don’t just have one heck of an appetite – which or course I do too! 

It is important we do our bit for charity and for others

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I love hearing about all the charitable endeavours that people get involved in to support causes they believe in – it’s what makes this country so great.

We do more for charity than any other country I believe and it’s important that even in these times of economic uncertainty that we continue to take action when we believe it’s needed.

I heard about a sponsored head shave at the Sunshine Inn, Farlington, on October 10 and I had to write about it. It’s being organised by Gary Till and Phil Allison raising much-needed funds for the Bowel Cancer charity. Unfortunately Gary’s wife has bowel cancer so he's doing what he can to raise money. 

I hope lots of people turn up in support!



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