THIS WEEK IN 1989: Marines tell it to the children

jpns 260518 retro may 2018

Marines - Nine-year-olds Thomas Mayhead and Julie Foster become marines with help from Shelly Harrisjpns 260518 retro may 2018

Marines - Nine-year-olds Thomas Mayhead and Julie Foster become marines with help from Shelly Harris
jpns 260518 retro may 2018 Marines - Nine-year-olds Thomas Mayhead and Julie Foster become marines with help from Shelly Harris
Boys and girls, who went on a Variety Club of Great Britain sponsored visit to Eastney Barracks, learned how tough it was to be a member of the elite corps.

They saw the museum’s Falklands war exhibition and 300 years of action-packed Royal Marines history, watched a marching display by the Royal Marines Band of the Commander-in-Chief Naval Home Command, and played on the museum’s exhibits and assault course before having a picnic on the lawns.

Later, they visited the Royal Naval Submarine Museum at Gosport.

The children were from schools in the Hampshire area and the Portsmouth Central Gingerbread Group.

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