Towns could be left without any CCTV cameras

HAVANT looks set to be left without CCTV '“ despite councillors voting to keep it.

Plans to get rid of all cameras – saving £150,000 a year – forms part of Havant Borough Council’s budget plans.

The cut was put in by the authority’s cabinet despite its own environment and community scrutiny board voting to save it at two separate meetings, six months apart.

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Their findings were based on a plea from the police that it is a vital crime-fighting tool, and a survey of 350 residents which showed 70 per cent wanted to keep CCTV.

Local authorities have always paid for CCTV in Hampshire, rather than the police.

In a statement council leader Mike Cheshire said: ‘An analysis of the number of arrests over the last year (provided by the police) indicates that each arrest costs in the region of £1,400.

‘The CCTV covers less than 10 per cent of the borough as a whole, and the whole system is becoming outdated and will require even more investment to keep it running.

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‘However, the cabinet recognised the views of the scrutiny panel and has listened to their concerns.

‘As a result, at this week’s cabinet meeting, the chairman of the scrutiny board and the cabinet agreed that with the current CCTV contract up for renewal in June 2016, a project team of councillors with officer support would be set up.

‘This will investigate future CCTV delivery options, what services might have to be reduced to pay for ongoing provision in the borough, so that the cabinet can review and reconsider the future provision of this non-statutory service that is used by the police and has historically provided by the council.

‘As part of this review, the police and crime commissioner will again be invited to contribute to this service provision.’

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Cllr Cheshire said he needed to balance the books for long-term sustainability, rather than just the next year.

The council’s cabinet agreed to give the members of the scrutiny board until the end of March to find ways of keeping CCTV at a much-reduced cost.

Simon Hayes, the police and crime commissioner, said it would be ‘regrettable’ if the council stopped funding it but the force will not pay for it.

Councillor Tim Pike, who sits on the panel, said: ‘I believe there is value in CCTV and so do the residents and businesses I have spoken to.

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