Time to nominate inspiring citizens for annual Fareham awards

Citizen of Honour 2015 winners L-R  Dee Batu, Tiffany Desmond, Charlie Wilson, Tony Brown, Mayor of Fareham, Vic Rutland, Sharon Noble, Mayors Cadet Gabriella Lashmore and Harry SmithCitizen of Honour 2015 winners L-R  Dee Batu, Tiffany Desmond, Charlie Wilson, Tony Brown, Mayor of Fareham, Vic Rutland, Sharon Noble, Mayors Cadet Gabriella Lashmore and Harry Smith
Citizen of Honour 2015 winners L-R  Dee Batu, Tiffany Desmond, Charlie Wilson, Tony Brown, Mayor of Fareham, Vic Rutland, Sharon Noble, Mayors Cadet Gabriella Lashmore and Harry Smith
Fareham residents are being encouraged to nominate inspiring adults and young people for the Citizens and Young Citizens of Honour awards.

The closing date for nominations is Friday, January 29.

This year, anyone who puts forward someone for an award may also be rewarded courtesy of Ferneham Hall.

Everyone who submits a form will be entered into a draw and the lucky winner will receive two tickets to a show of their choice.

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Becca Bennett, from Fareham Borough Council, said: ‘Because of the very nature of the award it usually takes someone from the outside, looking in, to realise how special these people are and that’s where we need their help.

Residents are encouraged to name and acclaim individuals who they consider worthy.

‘It might be they have done something amazing for their community; they regularly help others or have overcome a personal difficulty.’

There are three different age categories for nominations: Four-11 years, 12-17 years and 18-plus.

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Winners of the awards will receive invitations to the mayor-making event to receive their badges, a reception in the mayor’s parlour and other civic events such as the Remembrance Day service.

They will also get a family ticket to the gala performance of the panto at Ferneham Hall.

Executive leader of Fareham Borough Council, Cllr Seán Woodward, said: ‘It’s always great to read the many nominations that we receive and to hear about the wonderful things our residents do.

‘We would like as many nominations as possible, so please do send them in and show those that deserve some recognition your appreciation.’

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People who have already nominated a citizen or young citizen of honour will be automatically entered into the draw.

Nominees must be a resident of Fareham and can’t be a family member.

For more information and to nominate online go to fareham.gov.uk/citizenawards.

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