Village celebrates one of country’s greatest poets

Drayton historian, Nigel Gossop launches his new book about the poet Keats at The Elms in Bedhampton. Picture: Ian Hargreaves  (200119-1)Drayton historian, Nigel Gossop launches his new book about the poet Keats at The Elms in Bedhampton. Picture: Ian Hargreaves  (200119-1)
Drayton historian, Nigel Gossop launches his new book about the poet Keats at The Elms in Bedhampton. Picture: Ian Hargreaves (200119-1)
THE RENOWNED poet, John Keats, has been recognised by the village of Bedhampton at a celebratory event.

Historian, Nigel Gossop, discussed his book and the close association between Keats and the village. The poet spent two weeks at The Old Mill House in Bedhampton in January 1819, during which he wrote the much acclaimed The Eve of St Agnes. ‘It was very atmospheric reciting some of his poetry under candlelight. We were absolutely delighted with the turn out which was a sell out. We are going to host an additional event on February 24,’ explained Mr Gossop.

Nigel hopes to use any money raised to create a permanent reminder of the poet’s connection to the village. ‘Keats is one of the county’s most significant poets and we are proud he wrote some of his work here in Bedhampton,’ he added.?

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