Golden girl Jones back with a bang

Ebonie Jones PPP-170426-155320001Ebonie Jones PPP-170426-155320001
Ebonie Jones PPP-170426-155320001
GOLDEN GIRL Ebonie Jones announced her comeback to boxing as she stormed to national glory.

Jones returned to the ring after a 20-month absence at the England Boxing Elite National Championships.

The Drayton ace has undertaken a stellar junior and youth career which saw her win European, EU, Nations’ Cups, GB and multi-national honours.

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Now the 17-year-old has added a senior-level success to her glittering résumé as she overcame Lowestoft’s Emma Dolan in Rotherham.

The former Heart of Portsmouth fighter has been out of the sport for an extended period after joining the army.

But she’s now back in emphatic style and is aiming to gain a place on the GB boxing programme.

First for Jones is the GB Championships, which lies ahead in Cardiff next month.

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After her weight ballooned, Jones admitted her confidence had been tested ahead of her ring return.

Her commitment saw her get down to 54kg, however, where she made her mark.

Jones said: ‘I’m still buzzing.

‘I’ve been out of the ring for a long time.

‘I’ve trained hard and dieted for years.

‘When I finally got the chance to have a bit of time out, I went from one extreme to the other.

‘But I’ve had that break and I’m back into the training.

‘I lost 14kg to get back down to 54kg! Once the training started the weight was falling off me.

‘I’ve got my confidence back now.

‘I was doubting myself.

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‘I wasn’t sure I could win but I was training my hardest and I was just pleased to be able to win.

‘I’ve heard people saying it’s one thing winning as a junior or youth, but I won’t make it as a senior.

‘I feel I’ve answered those people and I’m pleased I’ve been able to do that.

‘The aim is to get on the GB programme.

‘I’ll be having assessments now and it’ll be good to do that.

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‘There could be good things ahead from there but I need to take things one step at time.

‘I don’t want to put too much pressure on myself.’

Jones wasn’t the only success story at the championships.

George Crotty capped a memorable campaign for the Royal Navy with an impressive final victory at 81kg.

Crotty overcame Tom Whittaker-Hart from Liverpool’s respected Rotunda outfit to take the title.

The Great Britain man proved a stern rival but Crotty’s southpaw stance and speed saw him take a split-decision success – with four judges opting to go in his favour to one against.

Portsmouth’s navy man, Jack Stringer, made it through to the latter stages of the competition and gave a fine account of himself in defeat to GB number one Ben Whittaker at 75kg.

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