Why big clubs should invest in Wessex League talent

Sam Smart. Picture: Habibur RahmanSam Smart. Picture: Habibur Rahman
Sam Smart. Picture: Habibur Rahman
Michael Birmingham has called on bigger clubs to be brave and take a punt on Wessex League talents.

The Horndean boss saw Sam Smart leave Five Heads Park last season in pursuit of a career in the game.

He believes promising right-back Benny Read could follow in the winger's footsteps in the near future.

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And that would be a source of great pride for Birmingham, who will not stand in their way.

Read was a stand-out performer as the Deans gave the National League Hawks a scare before losing 5-2 at Westleigh Park last Saturday.

Birmingham said: '˜Benny is a good boy and I can't speak highly enough of him.

'˜I challenged him at the start of pre-season to be the best right-back in our league.

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'˜In my eyes I believe he is and he can easily go on and play higher. I have told him he is the best now he has to go out and show it.

'˜Some people think he is too small. But you could see the way he played against the Hawks he is a fantastic athlete with a great outlook.

'˜For someone so small he is also very strong. He doesn't fear anything and is prepared to take opponents on.

'˜If people were brave enough they should start looking at Wessex League players like Benny.

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'˜If he got the chance to progress we would not stand in his way. He won't be making a sideways step.

'˜If clubs higher up want to be brave and look at him it is not hard to get my number.

'˜It happened with Sam Smart and he is now on trial with Sheffield Wednesday.

'˜At our level it is all about progressing these youngsters. I have done my job if they move forwards to the bigger clubs.'