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Will Coulston, Sara Freestone and Shelly Saunders enjoying Café Church at St Faith's, HavantWill Coulston, Sara Freestone and Shelly Saunders enjoying Café Church at St Faith's, Havant
Will Coulston, Sara Freestone and Shelly Saunders enjoying Café Church at St Faith's, Havant
HAVE you ever been in hospital, and overheard the doctors and nurses talking to each other?

It’s almost like they are talking another language.

Those of us who don’t have a medical background recognise a lot of the words, and we know what we think they mean, but to a medical professional they mean something quite different.

It’s like a kind of code.

A lot of professions have a special way they use language.

So too do a lot of sports and hobbies.

If you don’t know about that job or sport, it can sound like a code.

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Churches also have special ways of using language – and one of our big difficulties is that we’re talking about God.

We’re trying to put into words ideas that can’t really be described.

Sometimes we are using the same words, but we have different ideas about what they mean.

I think almost everybody has ideas in their mind that are attached to words like God.

Jesus, Bible’, and heaven.

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So this autumn, during the Café Church at St Faith’s, we are exploring some of these ideas behind words that we use all the time.

We call it Speaking Christian.

Café Church isn’t like anything else we do at St Faith’s on a Sunday.

It’s very informal. We sit around tables, and refreshments – which are free – are always available.

We usually sing some contemporary Christian songs, and there’s chance to pray.

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The biggest difference, though, is that we discuss things, talk about ideas, ask questions.

Everybody who wants to can join in the conversation.

We’ve already tried Speaking Christian at Café Church by thinking about the words God and Jesus.

This Sunday we’ll be thinking about the Bible, and coming up next month are words like sin, salvation and saints.

Café Church happens almost every week at St Faith’s from 11.30am on Sunday.

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If you think you know what these kind of words mean, or if you have no idea at all, why not come and have a go at speaking Christian?

You will be very welcome.

n For more information check the Café Church page at – or you can find us on Facebook.

St Faith’s Church is in West Street, Havant.