The majority of them no longer exist sadly - but we think you’ll enjoy looking at the ones that once stood in the area.
MORE RETRO PHOTOS: Portsmouth in 1987 | Portsmouth sport and social clubs | History of Southsea hovercraft

5. Landport and Portsea pubs from the past
The Western pub. A marvellous view down Queen Street before it was widened and we see the former Western public house. The painted sign on the door SWS, Static Water Supply were to be seen all over the city and can still be seen on some locations. Photo: The News archive

6. Landport and Portsea pubs from the past
The Ship and Castle Pub at The Hard, Portsea before it was demolished, December 1973. Picture: The News PP3498 Photo: The News archive

7. Landport and Portsea pubs from the past
The gutted Ship and Castle pub on the corner of Queen Street/Half Moon Street and the Hard, Portsea. Photo: The News archive

8. Landport and Portsea pubs from the past
The Royal Naval Arms in Queen Street, Portsea - one several Brickwood pubs a stone's throw from the brewery. It was demolished in the early 1970's. Photo: The News archive