We are sure you will enjoy our look back at some great photos taken in the last 10 years.
Maybe you will even spot yourself – or someone you know – in our gallery?
MORE RETRO PHOTOS: Nights at Gunwharf Quays | A 2009 night out in Portsmouth

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Here are the faces on the floor at Tiger Tiger. Picture: 100561-15 Photo: Will Caddy

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The Faces on the floor at Tiger Tiger. Picture: (102559-5) Photo: Ian Hargreaves

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These were our Faces on the floor at Tiger Tiger. Picture: (102559-9) Photo: Ian Hargreaves

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Revellers enjoying a night at Tiger Tiger in Portsmouth. Picture (101124-8740) Photo: Malcolm Wells

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The revellers who were the Face on the floor at Tiger Tiger in Portsmouth Photo: Steve Reid

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The nightclub goers who were the Face on the floor at Tiger Tiger. Picture: 100561-11 Photo: Will Caddy

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The faces on the floor at Tiger Tiger. Picture: (101124-8729) Photo: Malcolm Wells

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The faces on the floor at Tiger Tiger on Saturday. Picture: (101124-8745) Photo: Malcolm Wells

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These were the faces on the floor at Tiger Tiger. Picture: 100561-7 Photo: Will Caddy

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These revellers were the faces on the floor at Tiger Tiger. Picture: 100561-18 Photo: Will Caddy

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Here were the faces on the floor at tiger tiger. Picture: 100561-1 Photo: Will Caddy

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Were you these faces on the floor at Tiger Tiger? Picture: 100561-8 Photo: Will Caddy

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Are you one of our Faces on the floor at Tiger Tiger? Picture: (102559-10) Photo: Ian Hargreaves

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Here are the Faces on the floor at Tiger Tiger. Picture: (102559-1) Photo: Ian Hargreaves

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Are you one of our Faces on the floor at Tiger Tiger. Picture: (102559-4) Photo: Ian Hargreaves

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These were our faces on the floor at Tiger Tiger on Saturday. Picture: (101124-8758) Photo: Malcolm Wells

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Some of the Faces on the floor at Tiger Tiger. Picture: (102559-8) Photo: Ian Hargreaves

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Are you one of our Faces on the floor at Tiger Tiger in Gunwharf Quays? Picture: (110630-4687) Photo: Sarah Standing

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The Faces on the floor at Tiger Tiger in Gunwharf Quays. Picture: (110630-4700) Photo: Sarah Standing