Haven Early Years Centre in Gosport has been rated as outstanding by Ofsted for 17 years

Haven Early Years Centre has managed to hold onto an outstanding Ofsted rating for the 17th year running.Haven Early Years Centre has managed to hold onto an outstanding Ofsted rating for the 17th year running.
Haven Early Years Centre has managed to hold onto an outstanding Ofsted rating for the 17th year running.
An early years setting is a ‘haven’ for young children who have a ‘highly engaging curriculum’ and teachers that ‘build strong relationships’, according to Ofsted inspectors.

Ofsted’s findings stated that the nursery school offers an exemplary curriculum to young children at the start of their education.

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‘There is an atmosphere of shared discovery, alongside skilful teaching, where every interaction helps children to learn and develop. Not a moment is wasted, and children achieve well.’

The inspection also found that the governors at the school are committed to working alongside members of staff and that there are high aspirations for children attending the setting.

Staff maintain a good relationships with parents and there is regular communications with guardians to ensure that the children’s interest is at heart.

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The report added: ‘Leaders have designed a highly engaging curriculum, giving careful consideration to all areas of learning. There are clearly defined goals for children to work towards. Staff are knowledgeable about children’s starting points.

‘Children’s communication skills are developed extremely well. Children who need additional support receive it in a highly personalised way. This includes using a range of visual resources and communication aids.

‘Children’s personal, social and emotional development is a top priority for leaders. This is evident through the clearly established routines and nurturing culture. Across the setting, children behave exceptionally well and are expertly supported in communicating their emotions. Staff know when to intervene and when to stand back.’

Safeguarding measures are effective and staff understand how to report any concerns. Leaders also regularly check the knowledge of safeguarding amongst staff by posing questions and exploring different scenarios to consider. Children also understand that there are reliable adults that they can talk to if they have any worries or concerns.

The report added that staff feel a sense of pride to be part of the Haven family.

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