Unfortunately the pandemic and the lockdowns that have followed have taken a toll on business and some big name stores have closed down in the year since March 2020.
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Here are 22 pubs, shops and restaurants that have closed since March 2020 in and around Portsmouth
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![Shops that have closed since March 2020. Picture: TOLGA AKMEN/AFP via Getty Images](https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmRlODA3MjlmLTRiNTItNGY0NS1iNjk0LTZhMzk0ODNlNDAyOTpjNzI0ZWQ4ZC1iNTQ3LTQ5OWQtODQ0Mi1jNTAyOWU5ZTBjN2E=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=800)
. Shops that have closed
Shops that have closed since March 2020. Picture: TOLGA AKMEN/AFP via Getty Images Photo: TOLGA AKMEN
![In September it was announced that the Pizza Express restaurants in Port Solent and Whiteley would be shutting for good.](https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmMzZWQwMTRjLWNiMzQtNDllZS1iM2QyLTg1YzQ0NzYwODJhNzphOWU4MGUzNy1kOWYwLTQ5MGEtOGM0MS1iZWQ0OGJjMmZkYmI=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Pizza Express
In September it was announced that the Pizza Express restaurants in Port Solent and Whiteley would be shutting for good. Photo: Ian Hargreaves
![This restaurant in Gunwharf Quays announced that it would be remaining shut permanently in June after closing at the start of lockdown.](https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjBhM2QzNzg5LTY2YjMtNDEzNS04MTlhLTRjMjRmMGUzMWM3Mjo2MmIwODA2Yy1lN2E0LTRjNzktOGVmYi0zN2VhYjViYzVlY2U=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Coast to Coast
This restaurant in Gunwharf Quays announced that it would be remaining shut permanently in June after closing at the start of lockdown. Photo: NA
![It was announced in August that the YO! Sushi restaurant in Whiteley Shopping Centre was among 19 sites that was being axed by its parent company.](https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjYyYjdlYmIwLTJlNjktNDYzNi1hNDJmLTYyOTg0MDE4YzAwNDozZGY3MWZiZi03YjlkLTRiNTgtOWY4Ni1lMzhlOTU1MDRjNmY=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. YO! Sushi
It was announced in August that the YO! Sushi restaurant in Whiteley Shopping Centre was among 19 sites that was being axed by its parent company. Photo: Reporter
![The popular Chinese buffet in West Street, Fareham, went into liquidation in July according to records on Companies House.](https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOmVhM2YwNjMzLWZlZGYtNGJkMS05MDA1LTA3ZWFlYmRmMWYxZDo5NWZiZWZmZS02ODc2LTRmNzctOTg4YS0yYzU5N2Q0ZDUxNDM=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Kungfu Buffet
The popular Chinese buffet in West Street, Fareham, went into liquidation in July according to records on Companies House. Photo: Ian Hargreaves
![This popular pub in Osborne Road, Southsea, shut down in August, 2020 due to the ‘detrimental effects from Covid-19’.](https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjZlOGI0MGNlLWRjMjQtNDA1YS1iYzVjLWE5YWJlNmQ3MzA4YTpkNTAyZDQ4My1hOWFiLTQ1ZDItOGMwZC1lOWIwZjY3ZjA1MTU=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=800)
. The Wave Maiden
This popular pub in Osborne Road, Southsea, shut down in August, 2020 due to the ‘detrimental effects from Covid-19’. Photo: JPIMedia
![The popular bar Rosie's Vineyard in Elm Grove, Southsea announced on social media in August that it would be closing permanently.](https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjUxNDdmMjdjLWZmYzktNDlkYS04NGExLWVmMWJjOTgyNDYyNTozMjg5ODE4MC0wYmU2LTRjMTMtODJjMS04YWFjNjgzYWRjYWI=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Rosie's Vineyard
The popular bar Rosie's Vineyard in Elm Grove, Southsea announced on social media in August that it would be closing permanently. Photo: Google Maps.
![The popular tea room at Westlands Farm in Wickham closed in March 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic and its owners now say it will not be reopening.](https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjhjZGQzZmJiLWM1N2EtNGVhYy1iOTRiLWZiYWNiMmNlYjlhYjpjNjlhY2FlZi1jZjU0LTQ3ODctODcxNC0xZjZmN2FmZmUwMDA=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=800)
. Tea room at Westlands Farm
The popular tea room at Westlands Farm in Wickham closed in March 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic and its owners now say it will not be reopening. Photo: Contributor
![The Subway store in Broadlaw Walk, Fareham has now closed. It comes after McColl’s, the operators of the store, decided not to reopen it.](https://www.portsmouth.co.uk/webimg/b25lY21zOjY4ODBiNDEwLWZiYmUtNGI1MS05MzA4LWI5ZjU5ZmIzODNjZTo3NGRiYzg5My0xNzhmLTRiODctOTg5Yy1kMWIxOTkxNmM5N2I=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
. Subway
The Subway store in Broadlaw Walk, Fareham has now closed. It comes after McColl’s, the operators of the store, decided not to reopen it. Photo: -
![This popular pub in Osborne Road, Southsea, shut down in August, 2020 due to the ‘detrimental effects from Covid-19’.](https://www.sunderlandecho.com/webimg/b25lY21zOjZlOGI0MGNlLWRjMjQtNDA1YS1iYzVjLWE5YWJlNmQ3MzA4YTpkNTAyZDQ4My1hOWFiLTQ1ZDItOGMwZC1lOWIwZjY3ZjA1MTU=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=800)
5. The Wave Maiden
This popular pub in Osborne Road, Southsea, shut down in August, 2020 due to the ‘detrimental effects from Covid-19’. Photo: JPIMedia
![The popular bar Rosie's Vineyard in Elm Grove, Southsea announced on social media in August that it would be closing permanently.](https://www.sunderlandecho.com/webimg/b25lY21zOjUxNDdmMjdjLWZmYzktNDlkYS04NGExLWVmMWJjOTgyNDYyNTozMjg5ODE4MC0wYmU2LTRjMTMtODJjMS04YWFjNjgzYWRjYWI=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
6. Rosie's Vineyard
The popular bar Rosie's Vineyard in Elm Grove, Southsea announced on social media in August that it would be closing permanently. Photo: Google Maps.
![The popular tea room at Westlands Farm in Wickham closed in March 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic and its owners now say it will not be reopening.](https://www.sunderlandecho.com/webimg/b25lY21zOjhjZGQzZmJiLWM1N2EtNGVhYy1iOTRiLWZiYWNiMmNlYjlhYjpjNjlhY2FlZi1jZjU0LTQ3ODctODcxNC0xZjZmN2FmZmUwMDA=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=800)
7. Tea room at Westlands Farm
The popular tea room at Westlands Farm in Wickham closed in March 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic and its owners now say it will not be reopening. Photo: Contributor
![The Subway store in Broadlaw Walk, Fareham has now closed. It comes after McColl’s, the operators of the store, decided not to reopen it.](https://www.sunderlandecho.com/webimg/b25lY21zOjY4ODBiNDEwLWZiYmUtNGI1MS05MzA4LWI5ZjU5ZmIzODNjZTo3NGRiYzg5My0xNzhmLTRiODctOTg5Yy1kMWIxOTkxNmM5N2I=.jpg?crop=3:2&trim=&width=640)
8. Subway
The Subway store in Broadlaw Walk, Fareham has now closed. It comes after McColl’s, the operators of the store, decided not to reopen it. Photo: -