Is it okay for parents to wear pyjamas when dropping the kids off at school?

Parents who wear pjyjamas when dropping their children off at school have been criticised in Portsmouth.

But others have defended the get-up-and-go outfits sported by some mums and dads.

Their views follow a row over a letter sent by a headteacher in Darlington asking parents not to wear pyjamas at the school gate because it set a bad example to children.

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Kate Chisholm, head at Skerne Park Academy in Darlington, made the appeal after she had noticed an increase in the number of parents wearing nightwear to the school gates and even to school assemblies and meetings.

Most of the many readers commenting on our Facebook page sided with her.

Here are just a few of the views:-

Anne Parker: “I think the school has every right to ask that parents don’t wear pjs when dropping their children off. They are trying to maintain a standard of readiness for learning and self respect as well as respect for others. What they do if parents don’t comply ? Well call in the parents and talk to them. Try and help them if there are difficulties....all within the job description of any workers in schools nowadays to get all children to reach the best they can.”

Julie Ann Bonsall: “I’ve never taken my children to while still in my nightclothes. Even when I worked nights I would take the children to school while still in my work clothes, go to bed when I got home & get up one hour before the children needed collecting so I had time to get dressed & do some housework.”

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Karen Lawrence: “It’s lazy! I’m a working single mum and even though I work from home I still make the effort to dress appropriately do my hair and makeup, make breakfast and then do a 20 minute walk to school.”

Karen Jones: “My son would of been ashamed, and embarrassed if I had ever taken him to school in my PJ’s, and I would of been ashamed of myself for doing it. Get up earlier, there’s no need for laziness.”

Julie Elizabeth: “Totally agree. It’s slovenly and sends the wrong message to children about caring for themselves. How difficult is it to throw on some clothes in the mornings? Even last night’s will do”.

Richard Hancock: “Utter laziness and shows no self respect. My wife works in a nightclub and sometimes only has 2 hrs sleep before the school run. She still showers, gets dressed and does her makeup before leaving the front door!”

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However not everyone wholly agreed that it was the school’s business to advise what parents should wear on the morning run to school.

Here is what a few of you said:

Caroline Anderson: “As long as the children are dressed appropriately and in good time, then it’s none of the school’s business how the parents are dressed. I know from experience how difficult it can be to find the time to deal with oneself as a parent and I freely admit to putting jeans etc. over my night things just to get out of the door in time!”

Holly Shaw: “Just finished the school run in my pjs and so were some of my friends, my child had her wash,breakfast , dressed teeth brushed and hair up before we left, I have time to get dressed but choose to walk the 2 minute walk in my pjs and get ready when I come back, also may I add she is a very well behaved pupil so when it comes down to it how I take her to school does not effect how she is in school”.

Sally-Marie Bartlam-Hawes: “Do you know what’s far worse then this? Is when you see parents immaculately turned out - Dads with blow dried, gelled hair do’s, Mum’s with a full face of make up etc but their kids are a mess, or missing their lunch box or PE kit because it’s more important to the parent how they LOOK rather on how well they’re actually parenting.”

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Emma Pulman: “The very fact that the children are their on time should be more important than what mum or dads are wearing. Foucus on the positive and not the little things that do not affect the learning of the children.”

Charmaine Maria Wallen: “I personally think it’s a bit trashy taking kids to school in ya pj’s but what the hell has it got to do with the school providing your child arrives appropriately dressed on time ready to learn and is happy and well cared for... schools need to concentrate on teaching kids and not worry about what parents are wearing.”