Some of those included are great images of old stores Hart’s bakery on the corner of Lake Road and Turk Street, Pink & Sons the grocers on the corner of London Road and Croft Road, North End, Scott’s Bakery on the corner of Haslemere Road and Devonshire Avenue, Portsdown Cycles & Radio premises on the corner of London Road and Lansdowne Avenue, Widley and Tracys furniture store on Commercial Road and Thomas Street corner.

1. Corner shops from the past
The former Portsdown Cycles & Radio premises on the corner of London Road and Lansdowne Avenue, Widley. Picture: Barry Cox collection Photo: The News archive

2. Corner shops from the past
Tracys furniture store on Commercial Road and Thomas Street corner, March 1964 Photo: The News archive

3. Corner shops from the past
Pink & Sons the grocers on the corner of London Road and Croft Road, North End. Photo: The News archive

4. Corner shops from the past
Confectioner D.K. Imray on the corner of Kimbolton Road and Hayling Avenue in the 1960's. Photo: The News archive