Some of the included roundabouts are the Rudmore, Hilsea, Delme, Market Way, Quay Street and Portsbridge. It is interesting to see just how much the landscape changed to accommodate them. The images span from around 1969 through to the 1980s.

9. Roundabout memories
The News Centre and Southdown Bus DepotThe newly-built News Centre at Hilsea in 1969 with work beginning on what would become Portsbridge roundabout, with no trace of the A27 or M27 in sight. Picture: The News Portsmouth Photo: The News archive

10. Roundabout memories
Taken from the footbridge at Hilsea, this is the scene outside the old News offices. Some of the confusion caused when the new roundabout opened over Portcreek. The flower-covered mini roundabout is now a concrete base. Photo: The News archive

11. Roundabout memories
A shot from a balcony at Cornwallis House looking towards what is now the roundabout in Market Way, Portsmouth Photo: The News archive

12. Roundabout memories
The newly-fledged Rudmore roundabout in the early 1980s Photo: The News archive