Included in the selection are sailors from HMS Sultan pulling a helicopter in 2013, The Cheeky Girls singing and wearing stunning outfits at Pudsey's Big Gig near The Spinnaker Tower in 2006, and staff at Morrisons store in Horndean who thought it a good idea to get into bath of custard in 2010. In 2007 Pudsey was on the bridge of HMS Richmond and in 2004 there was an Elite Wrestling Special going on to raise money for the cause.

. Children in Need memories
2015. Children in Need Day was a very special day for staff and pupils alike at the newly rebuilt Park Community School in Middle Park Way Leigh Park Havant. (left to right) Jo Breedon (46), Allyson Davis (50),and Leeanne Wingham (33) Picture by: Malcolm Wells (151113-1435) Photo: The News archive

. Children in Need memories
2014. Over 40 trainee musicians from the Royal Marines School of Music couldn’t resist the chance to throw on some tights and capes and add our particular brand of music to such an exciting day.’ The Band raised £239.31 for Children In Need. Photo: LA(PHOT) Keith Morgan

. Children in Need memories
2013. Sailors from HMS Sultan pull a helicopter for Children in Need Pictured - Staff from The Royal Navy Air Engineering and Sea Survival School during their run. Today, 15th November 2013, an Aircraft Pull took place on the Parade Ground of HMS Sultan to raise money for the Children in Need Appeal. Sea King helicopters were set up, and teams of 10 pulled the aircraft in the fastest possible time. Photo: L(Phot) Guy Pool

. Children in Need memories
2012. Staff in 'The Gym' at the Pyramids in Southsea set themselves the challenge of running, rowing and cycling for Children in Need. (left to right) Shirley Ellis (31), with 'Percy the Penguin ', Vickie Petrie (21), Emily Brewster (18), Rob Powell (19) and Ryan White (21) (front left to right) Kimberley Bridger (24) and Francesca Silvano (20) Picture: Malcolm Wells (123766-8780) Photo: The News archive

. Children in Need memories
2011. Harry Cooper (22) and Siobhan Dolan (19) from the University of Portsmouth Society of Circus Skills entertain passers by in the Guildhall Square to raise money for Children in Need. Picture: Steve Reid 114113-109 Photo: The News archive

. Children in Need memories
2011. Left to right. Josh Luthwaite (17), Kyle Edwards (16), Catherine Green (16) and George Cole (17) were with students from St Vincent College taking part in the annual fun run in aid of Children in Need. Picture: Steve Reid 114112-946 Photo: The News archive

. Children in Need memories
2011. Children in Need Variety Show at the Kings Theatre. Lucy Kate Hoareau, Rob Robertson, Rosie Whitmore, Pudsey Bear, One half of Manic Stage Productions Co Founder and creative team Matt Newman, Lucy Smith, Rebecca Edwards and Amy Divine. Photo: The News archive

. Children in Need memories
2011. Staff from Southern Electric raising money for Children in Need. Pyjama party! Anna Hall is supported by her colleagues in the Customer Services Team. Picture: Steve Reid 113947-601 Photo: The News archive

. Children in Need memories
2011. Many small businesses in Stoke Road Gosport made a special effort, with the staff dressing-up and special events held. (left to right) Joy Gallaugher, Anne Brindley, Cara Obstancias, Jade Kendall, Julie Alexander, Hayley Edwards, Kristy Halves and Tara Living (front left to right) Caroline Sawyer and Stacey White Picture: Malcolm Wells (113990-7199) Photo: The News archive

17. Children in Need memories
2006. The Cheeky Girls pop duo give a super performance wearing their stunning short dresses. BBC South Extravaganza for BBC Children In Need at Pudsey's Big Gig near The Spinnaker Tower, Gunwharf Quays, Portsmouth Picture: Michael Scaddan (064864-0225) Photo: The News archive

18. Children in Need memories
2005. Business administration student Moein Mousavi (19) at Portsmouth College, Tangier Road, Copnor, taking part in the All You Can Eat hotdog competition for Children In Need. Picture: Michael Scaddan (055277-0114) Photo: The News archive

19. Children in Need memories
2004. Elite Wrestling Federation promoter John Copping (front) with dozens of wrestlers taking part in the Wrestling Special in aid of BBC Children in Need, held at Admiral Lord Nelson School, Dundas Lane, Portsmouth. Picture: Michael Scaddan (045706-0044) Photo: The News archive